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Nigel Slater’s recipes for mulled cider, pomegranate mimosa and festive snacks

Drinks and delicious festive nibbles to impress your guests

Something glowing in a glass, a delicious morsel of homemade food and I am a happy guest. But on the whole I prefer being the host; greeting someone at the door and getting them a drink and passing round plates of simple handmade snacks is something to relish.

Welcome though a cocktail is, the food is always what people remember. An element of crispness is vital. A crumbly biscuit of parmesan freckled with black sesame seeds; a diminutive potato cake, its edges crisp and warm from the frying pan. And, in the case of something sweet to eat, a crackle-crusted almond cookie, its core chewy as fudge, will work a treat.

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