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Branded baked beans and baby formula makers ‘fuelled inflation with higher profits’ – business live

Rolling coverage of business as UK regulator says prices of branded baked beans, mayonnaise and infant formula rose faster than costs

The president of Cop28 has denied seeing documents suggesting the United Arab Emirates is seeking to discuss oil and gas deals at the UN climate conference.

Sultan Al Jaber is Cop28 president, tasked with overseeing the climate conference, while also being the chief executive of the UAE’s national oil company Adnoc. His dual role has been labelled as “ridiculous” and a big conflict of interest by environmental scientists.

These allegations are false, not true, incorrect, are not accurate. And it’s an attempt to undermine the work of the COP28 presidency,

I promise you, never ever did I see these talking points that they refer to or that I ever even used such talking points in my discussions.

This judgment raises fundamental questions for UK market participants, who trade not only on the LME but more broadly on other exchanges, about an absence of trade certainty prior to settlement, and about a lack of effective checks and balances on UK exchanges cancelling or varying trades in ways which may protect just one cohort of traders, or even the exchanges themselves.

We therefore intend to appeal the judgment and will continue to seek redress for the LME’s unprecedented cancellation of trades in March 2022.

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