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Why do so many cryptic crossword clues mention Donald Trump?

As DJT reassumes presidential office, we are faced with four more years of trumpery and trumpeting

We must now brace ourselves for at least four more years of Trump clues. That surname has so many meanings – as well as flatulent, we have the card-game references and Chambers Dictionary’s “showy but worthless” for TRUMPERY – but it’s not just that.

It is also that the letters in that surname lend themselves to adaptation; we recently had, from Picaroon in quiptics alone …

19d Widely proclaim president heartless egoist (7)
[ wordplay: name of president + EGOIST without middle letter (‘heartless’) ]
[ TRUMP + ET ]
[ definition: widely proclaim ]

6a President claiming one has hollow victories (8)
[ wordplay: name of president containing I (‘one’) + HAS without middle letter (‘hollow’) ]
[ TRUMP around I + HS ]
[ definition: victories ]

6d Ex-president one almost wishes would get thrashed in early Republican primaries (10)
[ wordplay: anagram (‘would get thrashed’) of ON (‘one almost’) & WISHE [think this should be of ONE & WISHE (almost ‘wishes’)]; checked with AC and corrrected in first letters (‘primaries’) of EARLY REPUBLICAN ]
[ anagram of ONWISHES in ER ]
[ definition: ex-president ]

Over time setters come and go, but you can see how the odds are stacked against any particular person becoming one of our regulars.

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