The actor and musician answers your questions on his time as a roadie, being intimidated by rich people and falling off a horse for Steven Seagal
Is your music less important, more important, or about as important as your film work? BenderRodriguez
Here’s the thing: I grew up in music. I saw the Beatles when I was eight. By the time I was nine, I had a band. Started with a little cheap guitar and then got a drum kit, which my father hated. I was playing pretty big concerts by the time I was 16 and then went on tour. I became a roadie from 18 to about 22. I went to LA to play music, accidentally got into acting. I’m still not sure how it happened. I always say that my success as an actor was out of ignorance, because I didn’t know how to be anything other than natural, and I think they liked that.
I loved both of them. It’s all one vision, all out of the same brain. I couldn’t choose one over the other. I’d like to do both, as long as they’ll let me.
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