Is my 51 years of age now old? Did he think I was pregnant? Or was I just staring at him too much?
I was minding my own business on the tube the other day, but that’s maybe not the most precise description of what I was up to. I’m curious on public transport; I like to check what other people are reading, smile at them while they do their makeup, eavesdrop if they’re with a friend, generally get in everyone’s business like a terrier. And while I was up to my antics, I made what I thought was a friendly expression at two young people sitting together, for no better reason than that they were making each other laugh and one of them had a scarf that looked a bit French, when one said: “Would you like to sit down?”
Would I like to sit down? What’s the minimum age to be asked that? Maybe 70? And even then only if they had a walking stick. How could I alert him to his astronomical misjudgment? Should I do a pull-up on the handrail? I cannot do a pull-up. All I could say was, “No, thank you.”
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