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The week in audio: The English Disease; Mag Hags; Parents vs the Internet; Between the Ears – review

A thoughtful study of football hooliganism; glossy mags of yore amusingly revisited; the mother of murdered teen Brianna Ghey on online safety; and it’s a wonderful pond life

The English Disease (Stak)
Mag Hags (Franki Cookney and Lucy Douglas) | Apple Podcasts
Parents vs the Internet (The Daily Mail) | Spotify
Between the Ears: A Pond of No Consequence (BBC Radio 3) | BBC Sounds

The English Disease, a new podcast about football hooliganism, is a strange nostalgia trip for anyone my age. Not because I was into “football-related disorder” – the official term – but because, during the 1980s and 90s, hooliganism was all over the news, and everyone knew someone who knew someone in decent trainers who spent their Saturdays in a rolling street-by-street fight with supporters from a different team. Even if you hated it (and I’m no fan of violence), it was considered to be just part of everyday life.

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