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Arsenal v Liverpool: Premier League – live

From the archive

“Phew, well I’d call it the match of the century, I don’t know about Match of the Day,” puffed Wolstenholme pitchside after the final whistle. Colour analyst Walley Barnes – he of the late own goal in 1947 – veered awkwardly into shot to agree that “match of the century is probably very right”. Sadly, nobody who went to Anfield that day would have been able to hear these Cholmondley Warneresque jolly japes. BBC2 had only been on the air for four months, and was only available in the London area. An estimated audience of 20,000 watched history being transmitted – less than half of the day’s 47,620 attendance – and viewers in Liverpool would have to make do with either The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, a western on BBC1, or ABC’s western Sugarfoot. Today’s multi-channel world of wall-to-wall tat suddenly doesn’t seem so oppressive.

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