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What Keir Starmer’s rose garden speech tells us about his politics | Letters

Jeremy Cushing and Gideon Ben-Tovim respond to the prime minister’s rhetoric on the recent riots and immigration. Plus a letter from Alan Bancroft

Keir Starmer’s warning of tax rises is probably justified (Starmer hints at tax rises as he warns of ‘painful’ budget, 27 August). But after condemning failures under the Tories, he went on to promulgate a conspiracy theory that is straight out of Daily Mail-land, and echoed years of divisive rhetoric by Tory politicians. Of the rioters, he said “they thought ‘they’ll never arrest me. And if they do, I won’t be prosecuted. And if I am, I won’t get much of a sentence’.”

This is a ludicrous assertion, and came without the slightest pretence of offering evidence. If there was any truth in it, it would be a terrifying proposition that a reckless minority was well enough organised to take cynical note of the chaos in the justice system and proceed to riot on the basis of that.

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