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Malcolm McDowell: ‘Kubrick had stewed pears and chicken for lunch because Napoleon did’

The actor answers your questions on Peter O’Toole, the new version of Caligula, growing up in Liverpool – and having his eyeballs scraped

If they ask you to appear in Star Trek again, would you say yes? Nicens_boi
I mean, you can’t top killing Captain James T Kirk. I suppose I could go back and kill old Patrick Stewart … I got a lot of flak from unhappy Trekkies, but there were also a lot of happy Trekkies who’d had it with old Bill. I think he overstayed his welcome. It was good for him to move on. I’m a great admirer of Shatner. He’s 90-odd. He’s still working. He’s been an astronaut. Good god, he wipes the floor with us young guys. I once made a surprise visit when he was being interviewed on stage. They introduced me: “And the one that killed Captain Kirk.” He went: “You shot me in the back.” I never thought the producers got it right, because they didn’t send him off in a glorious manner. Shot in the back on a bridge that collapses was not a noble end to a great character.

What’s has been your most exciting find in an antique shop? Catupatree
I’ve found some real beauties. I once went into an antique shop and there was a weather vane with $700 on it. I thought: “That seems cheap.” I brought it home, showed it to a friend who was a dealer who said: “That’s worth $35,000.” So that was very pleasing. My wife is brilliant. When she was 25, she looked 17. She walked into this very famous antique shop in Montreal, picked three things and had them brought to the counter. The woman said: “We have just debating who the hell you are. You look like a schoolgirl but you’ve picked the three best things we have in the store.” She has an uncanny knack for knowing what’s incredible.

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