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Magistrates must treat people with dignity and respect | Letters

Tom Franklin of the Magistrates’ Association says he was shocked by Alexandra Heminsley’s article and the comments reported to have been made during her case

Like your readers (Letters, 20 August), I was shocked and disturbed when I read the article by Alexandra Heminsley (Yes, bystanders can save women from sexual assault. But I know first-hand that’s not always enough, 17 August). The comments reported as being made by the magistrate are appalling, and it’s important that this case is investigated if it hasn’t already been. I have contacted Alexandra to ask if she can provide more details about her court case.

Violence against women and girls has been declared a national emergency, with almost 3,000 cases recorded every day across England and Wales. The Magistrates’ Association is committed to ensuring that courts improve the way they deal with these cases and that magistrates receive the training they need to play their part in doing so.

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