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Tour de France 2024: stage three from Piacenza to Turin – live

160km to go: A reminder of today’s easy stage. Jen Voight, on the Eurosport bike, says it’s the easiest beginning of any stage he can remember for the last 20 years. The intermediate sprint will come 94km or so into the stage. They’re currently on a road named after Coppi, for a climb of 1.1km, and all the teams are in formation. They’re in Tortona, final resting place of Coppi. Jonas Abrahamsen goes over the top to claim the mountain points; he leads that category as well as the green jersey points.

165km to go: The word is the peloton is slower than expected, no breakaways. The fear now is that the rain comes and the teams are requesting the fans are not allowed too close to what are likely to be greasy roads.

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