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It’s Jimmy Dimly again for Sunday’s TV interviews as Hunt for Jeremy goes on

Just when you’d expect the Tories to be gearing up for one final election push, their big beasts are apparently in hiding

This is getting painful. You can see defeat in their eyes. The body language of a party that has long since given up. That knows it has been rumbled by an electorate. They’ve known it’s all over for months but now there isn’t even the pretence of making a fight of it. The Conservatives are just a disunited rabble who can barely even be bothered to go through the motions. All passion spent.

Normally, with less than two weeks to go before an election, you’d expect the government machine to be gearing up for one final push. A last hurrah to convince the country they never had it so good. But no. Nothing. Surely Sunday of all days was the time to wheel out a big beast?

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