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Tenants trapped in a collapsing housing system | Letters

Social housing tenants are suffering just as much as those in the private rented sector, writes Suzanne Muna. Plus letters from Derrick Joad, Rosemary Walker and Bob Colenutt

Thank you for John Harris’s excellent call for politicians to act on the housing crisis (Neglected, derided and exploited more than ever: why won’t the UK protect those who rent a home?, 24 March). The Social Housing Action Campaign’s perspective is that we are no longer in a housing crisis. It is system collapse. Tenants and residents in social housing are suffering just as those in the private rented sector. Last year, the vast majority of housing associations utilised the maximum scope allowed by government and increased their rents by 7%. These inflated rents will rise again this year by 7.7%.

Shared owners fare even worse. This tenure is long recognised as combining the worst of both worlds, having to pay rents and mortgages but enduring the full cost of bills, maintenance and repairs for their homes no matter how small the proportion they actually “own”.

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