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I was married over a year ago. Why am I still obsessed with a Facebook wedding planning group?

Although she never once posted, Brittney Rigby discovered she’s not alone in sticking around long after her nuptials. Some online communities are just too good to leave

Planning a wedding can amplify life’s big struggles: money, body image, friendships, family ties and fractures. You rank the people in your life, draw a ring around those you’d like to attend and a smaller inner circle for the bridal party, then decide what everyone will wear and who sits with who. It’s ripe for drama and discord.

I got engaged in July 2022 after eight years with my partner. Months after the proposal, we finally planned an engagement party and started dipping our toes into the wider world of weddings. I had been to weddings but never really imagined organising one, so I couldn’t believe how many options there were – or how much everything cost. One evening, my fiance had a proposal of a different kind: what if we turned our upcoming engagement party into a surprise wedding? It was six weeks away. Within a couple of days, we’d booked a celebrant, photographer and food truck.

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