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Sinn Féin welcomes UK government’s deal with DUP, saying changes are acceptable to EU and Dublin – politics live

Mary Lou McDonald, party’s president, says it is ‘incredibly positive’ about prospects for Northern Ireland as result of deal

People with “close connections” to the UK and their local area are to be favoured for social housing in England under a new government consultation, PA Media reports. PA says:

Applicants will be required to demonstrate a connection to the UK for at least 10 years and their local area for at least two years in an “overhaul” of the system.

Those with unspent criminal convictions or certain civil sanctions for antisocial behaviour could be banned from social housing for up to five years.

Social housing is designed to support those in the greatest need. Government data shows that 90% of new social housing lettings go to UK nationals, with long waiting lists in all areas. Imposing extended qualification periods before people can even get on the housing register is likely to force more people into homelessness. If the government’s main concern is to increase the availability of social lettings, it could achieve this far more effectively by building more social housing.

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