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Jimmy Dimly pretends he’s serious about fantasy Rwanda treaty

Home secretary also manages to keep straight face as he claims government is not ‘in search of easy answers or quick publicity’

OK. Let’s take it easy for a bit. Stop caring so much. Just take some deep breaths. Realign the whatevers. Let the anger subside. Because being furious is the response that Rishi Sunak wants. The endgame of this government is a permanent culture war. Tilting at windmills. A descent into ever more binary politics. Where reason gives way to hate. Hating is so much easier. So much more fun.

This is the only way to cope with Sunak and his team these days. Stop trying to think of them as sentient beings. With a higher rational purpose. They now exist only to exist. That is their teleology. They have no interest in the UK or its people. In making things better. Their only goal is survival. To chase the soundbite of the day. No matter how idiotic and unworkable. To imagine there is a plan is a basic category error. Rather, we’re just being gaslit on a daily basis. Trolled to believe that the truth is whatever the government wants it to be that day.

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