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George Santos faces expulsion vote this week as Congress reconvenes - live updates

Congress returns from holiday break to hefty legislative agenda; expulsion vote for New York Republican representative George Santos expected this week

The Senate’s Democratic leader Chuck Schumer has told lawmakers they could be voting on Joe Biden’s proposal to send more than $100b in aid to Israel and Ukraine and to pay for southern border security as soon as next week.

“One of the most important tasks we must finish is taking up and passing a funding bill to ensure we as well as our friends and partners in Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region have the necessary military capabilities to confront and deter our adversaries and competitors. It’s also critical that we provide humanitarian assistance for innocent Palestinian civilians who have nothing to do with Hamas. These national security priorities are interrelated and demand bipartisan Congressional action,” Schumer said in a “Dear Colleague” letter.

Republican George Santos has said he expects to be expelled from Congress following a scathing report by the House ethics committee that found substantial evidence of lawbreaking by the lying New York representative.

In a defiant speech Friday sprinkled with taunts and obscenities aimed at his congressional colleagues, Santos insisted he was “not going anywhere”. But he acknowledged that his time as a member of Congress may soon be coming to an end.

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